April 15, 2014

A Leader for the People

After a hiatus of five years, the population of India once again witnesses and participates in the dramatic decision of voting for a leader who will represent their spirit and needs through the General Elections 2014. India looks to a leader who will be there, for them! A point that arises is, that just like in matters of politics, the same applies to business, corporate offices and companies - of having a leader for the people.

An excellent figure who has set an example of being an exemplary leader is Lord Ram. He existed for Ayodhya, and not the other way around. This is why the citizens of Ayodhya loved and respected their King Lord Ram to such a high extent. When he returned from exile, Lord Ram's subjects lit the way with lamps - which is how the festival of 'Deep'avli gets its name - 'deep' meaning 'lamps'. In contrast, one can see the King Ravana whose kingdom exists for him - Ravana is busy in pursuit of placating his selfishness. A ruler, a leader is looked up to by his subjects. The power to make or break a community, morals, traditions and day-to-day life resides in the leader's hands.

A leader leads from the front, guides his people wisely, sees to the fulfillment of their interests, learns from his people, and puts their needs in front of his own. In simple terms, a leader does things for others with a willing and open heart without harbouring grudges, condescension or ideas of personal gratification.

In an organization too the above qualities in a leader earns him the respect and esteem of his employees. Growth of a business happens where a leader in power shares his power with his employees, empowering them and not snatching their power away from them.

As John C. Maxwell once said, 

"A Leader is one who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way."

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